You have been. You might not like how that process have been done, but you have most certainly had the opportunity to comment on it all on the mailinglists.
And opinions like mine are noted and then ignored. I am not alone in making these comments, but I may be unique in that I am my own employer, the RIPE membership fees are *mine*
You're not unique in that.
and I don't really care about being ridiculed for talking about the lack of cloth in the emporers new clothes in public.
That's a bit too strong. RIPE wears nice summer clothes, light, but very much sufficient 8-)
I would have thought an opitional quarterly online survey would provide better value than a once-in-a-decade KPMG one. But change might come.
I assume this kind of rapid feedback collapses after a while under lack of participation. I would not mind if RIPE does this kind of survey, maybe we learn from it whether it works or not. -- MfG/Best regards, Kurt Jaeger 17 years to go ! LF.net GmbH fon +49 711 90074-23 pi@LF.net Ruppmannstr. 27 fax +49 711 90074-33 D-70565 Stuttgart mob +49 171 3101372