Hi Erik, et al, Aside from the initial reactions, I believe this discussion should happen very soon. My personal view on Internet-resources is about equal to other resources such as metal or stone. You can build bridges from steel or swords to create weapons. If we let IP/The Internet in general be mistaken as a aid for creating weapons - or even consider it a weapon (which is not too far away, if we consider the current level of cyber warfare) then WE as human race are in deep trouble. The Internet should help to overcome language and distance barriers for communications, which is an essential desire. We can and should not let organizations, be it the UANI, goverments or military organization let dictate WHAT and HOW to use this infrastructure. IMHO it is the most demographic tool we have today in order to communicate quick and effective - with minor censorship. Even China is learning that their firewall maybe getting WAY too big too handle soon. Simply filtering "Ferrari" in search-terms simply doesn't cut it in order to betray their own people. I believe it's time to get up and find supporters to continue the free Internet as we have known it for almost 30 years now. Best regards, Kurt Kayser