On 10 Dec 2019, at 13:15, Roland Perry wrote:
… How do I as (nowadays anyway, an outsider) access such historic snapshots of the IP address range, before today's ISP acquired them.
Is this a 'service' that RIPE NCC offers (and hence my question in this forum).
Sometimes the answer is "we aren't allowed to tell you - because of data protection". But I suspect the dirt was acquired by a user outside the EU, and hence arguably outside the protection of EU DP law. …
Hello again Roland, I promised to make work of this. Here is a progress report. Indeed we have the history in the database, as we should. The not-so-good news: current policy is to not make it available because of privacy concerns. Unless there is pressure from the community that is not likely to change soon. I am no lawyer but I expect that this policy could change at least for data that is not ‘personal data’, which would be good enough for what you seek. But I guess that more than two people have to ask for it. A reasonably concise request from this WG would go a long way. The good news: we already publish resource transfers and so do all RIRs. See https://www.ripe.net/manage-ips-and-asns/resource-transfers-and-mergers/tran... Unfortunately these are bulk JSON files and not directly queryable. So I did not Dre to mention this until I knew more. In the meantime, and as an interim tool to address your need, I have asked Rene Wilhelm, one of the real stars here, to publish a small part of his research toolkit at http://sg-pub.ripe.net/rene/transfers/ This produces searchable .csv files which reveal the reason for the trouble in your original question. Of course this information should be available in RIPEstat! Actually, due to collaboration between APNIC and the RIPE NCC, the APNIC transfers can now be queried in RIPEstat. Example: https://stat.ripe.net/widget/apnic-transfer-history#w.resource= I am told that implementing this for all transfers is on the to-do list for RIPEstat. Again: the priorities follow community demand. I hope this addresses your question and projects that we are indeed responsive to the community. Daniel