Delays are expected, but it now seems like transfers are paused entirely. If this is not the case then perhaps the NCC should clarify?
Matthias Merkel

On December 19, 2022 at 2:37 PM GMT+1 wrote:
Matthias Merkel <> wrote:
> Can we get any kind of official statement from the RIPE NCC on the
> current status on this?
The explanation for the extra delays was made on this mailing list by
Hans Petter Holen on Wed, 2 Nov 2022:
> As an immediate response, all transfer requests from Ukrainian
> networks will be escalated to me until further notice. We will of
> course continue to apply the highest levels of due diligence when
> reviewing these requests. This will add some amount of delay, which
> I think is entirely appropriate under the circumstances and given
> the seriousness of the concerns that have been raised.
However, if the delays would become too important, I suppose this
decision should be reversed.
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