On 10 Oct 2018, at 14:33, Marcolla, Sara Veronica <Sara.Marcolla@europol.europa.eu> wrote:
I am a bit puzzled by this statement. If you only have the information concerning the tech support of said company, you would invest time and effort in sending the request to that country - where they would turn down the request as the company is not legally incorporated in such country, but in another one, at which point you would have to do all the process again, losing time and wasting resources. Just because you could not immediately pinpoint a geographical jurisdiction.
Sara, we seem to be talking at cross purposes. I was answering the OP’s question about what happens when overseas law enforcement knocks on the door of the NCC (or some other registry). To answer your question, law enforcement obviously wouldn’t or shouldn’t send an MLAT request to the wrong jurisdiction. Just like they wouldn’t submit an extradition request (say) to the wrong court. That’s common sense.