All, I noticed that the proposed updated AS Number policy was sent to the address-policy-wg recently. There is a timeline for 32-bit AS Number in both the old and new versions, which says: "From 1 January 2010 the RIPE NCC will cease to make any distinction between 16-bit AS Numbers and 32-bit only AS Numbers, and will operate AS Number assignments from an undifferentiated 32-bit AS Number allocation pool." I'm not sure exactly what this means, but I think it is supposed to mean that people get 32-bit AS Numbers now. Did this happen? If it didn't, why not? Do we need to change "2010" to "2011"? Is it ever going to happen? If it did, was there any effect? I mean both from humans (angry LIRs, peasants marching on the castle with torches, riots in the streets), or on the Intertubes (ugly routing artifacts, mass reboots of boxes with old firmware, monitoring systems gone wild)? Just wondering. :) -- Shane