I am just trying to understand you reasoning. So you agree that the projects of RIPE NCC are useful, but you don't really want to pay for them?
No, not quite. I agree that *some* of the non registry projects that RIPE has undertaken are useful. I strongly object however to not being consulted if *my* money shoul be spent on them.
You have been. You might not like how that process have been done, but you have most certainly had the opportunity to comment on it all on the mailinglists.
The problem here is that there is some sort of belief that there is a democracy operating at RIPE and that the membership fees are some sort of tax that goes into a shared pot.
I am not following this. Perhaps you could explain again.
This view, IMHO, is flawed. RIPE is a self-agrandising monopoly that abuses its position to extract money from a wide range of "members" that, ultimately, cannot be bothered with arguing about a "few thousand euro" for the service they get - because for most member representatives, this is not their own money but that of their employers - and why should they fight the system ?
I think a lot of people "fight" the system. At every meeting and in many posts to the mailinglists over the years.
Personally I am not sure this is so much of an issue over if the RIPE NCC should do certain projects, as I think this is an issue over increased transparency in financials, information to the membership and better reporting on project progress/costs to the membership.
You missed the bit about *asking* us what we think.
No, I said in another email I think that the WG should discuss the projects, and running ones based on performance. However, the WG can not have the decision right as that is with the AGM.
That is the point I am trying to make - everyone "in power" conveniently forgets the consultation / approval part and pretends that a one way information channel is enough.
Oh so I am also "in power"? And we haven't even had the first meeting! Wow ;-) I don't think anyone have forgotten this. Much of the input from the KPMG survey centers around this and from what I understand that was the sole reason for Axel to start the effort. I am sure Axel can comment on this... Best regards, - kurtis -