Also full support for Bijal from my side! Michael -- DI (FH) Michael Perzi UniVie / ACOnet / VIX michael.perzi@univie.ac.at // MP4729-RIPE Tel: +43 1 4277 - 14083 // Fax: - 14338
Am 12.10.2018 um 11:09 schrieb Bijal Sanghani <bijal@euro-ix.net>:
Hi everyone,
Following on from Kurtis's announcement, I would like to stand for (re)selection of the NCC Services WG co-chair position.
I am the current co-chair and I'd very much like to continue to contribute to the community in this way.
Kind regards,
On 21 Sep 2018, at 11:24, Kurtis Lindqvist <kurtis@kurtis.pp.se> wrote:
As per the adopted NCC Services WG Chair Selection process (https://www.ripe.net/participate/ripe/wg/services), this time round Bijal's position will be up for selection. Following the Chair Selection Process, this email starts a two week period call for candidates.
If you are interested in standing for selection, please announce to the mailing list and please read the description and responsibilities of a RIPE working group Chair, RIPE-542 http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/ripe-542, feel free to let me know if you have any questions.
Best regards,