On 6 Sep 2017, at 11:20, Rob Evans <rhe@nosc.ja.net> wrote:
Is it still mandatory for each member to have one address subscribed to members-discuss? If so, does it need to be? :) Either I'm blind or this is not mandatory, at least by the Articles of Association. Article 5 is probably the most important here. Well, I wasn't suggesting it was part of the AoA. Anyway, my choice of ‘mandatory’ was perhaps not the best word, I was referring to what I believe is an automatic subscription, so perhaps more accurately I should have asked if it’s possible to become a member without having an address added to members-discuss that then needs to be removed? Gert is correct when he observes that many members aren’t interested in the fact that the organisation they are members of is driven by them, whether it’s an IXP or an RIR.
… or even a domain registry. +1 to Gert’s observation in general.. the culture in the industry has changed… the industry has pretty much commoditised. -Denesh