Hi everyone, Persanly having hope that "Mafia home", as Maxim Tuliev called, is not the biggest two Telecom Community Chats in the country as Telecom Ukraine and Ukoz ... ), where Ondřej Filip Executive Board Member can watch all market meanings under this question himself. We have already discussed it there and everyone saw that is no real ground of Max's suggestion in any threat to his adress. At the same time Ukraian community is united under suggestion to provide frize period for the hall Ukrainian terrytory till new rules for transactions will be implemeted. We need some time to provide these new rules in Ripe NCC and everyone understand that. Suggestions for these new rules that brought up is likely suited for most of Ripe members, Ukrainian accossiations and market players in Ukraine. Best regards and with prey that Ripe will hear Ukrainian community and not few members that even not living in Ukraine right now and transfered main part of their LIR outside of Ukraine. Maxim Smelianets Co-founder Telecom Ukraine Community