30 Aug
30 Aug
2:29 p.m.
Le 30/08/2013 11:35, Jim Reid a écrit :
On 30 Aug 2013, at 08:40, Jeffrey Race <jrace@attglobal.net> wrote:
Aside from registered postal mail, it is the only method of record communication generating a legally valid receipt of communication, so it is highly advisable to retain this requirement. Even if this is true -- for all jurisdictions in the NCC service region? -- I am unable to invent a scenario where the NCC would have to use fax instead of registered snail-mail for such "legally valid" communication with one of its members.
Members who are still living in the 1980s or have legal systems forcing them to do that are of course welcome to add an optional fax number to their contact data. Nobody else should bother.
Voilà ! mh