Good day, Thank you Mykhailo for you letter.It is very important for ALL RIPE community. I am very sorry that you were under occupation. Hearing new and new scary stories, we understand that we have raised a very important topic. Can I contact with you? Best regards, Olena Kushnir
14 квіт. 2023 р. о 20:48 Михайло Кононихін <kononykhin.m@gmail.com> пише:
Hello I hope the new 'Voluntary Transfer Lock' does not require a notarized statement as 'Voluntary Registry Lock' It should be a fast working tool. And it should freeze all current transfer requests Nobody lost anything with this button. It just freezes transfers. In opposition without this button there are huge chances that someone can force someone to transfer resources I know what I am talking about because I spent 4 months in the occupation and now I'm a refugee. Terrorists are still looking for our servers (which I move away). I was lucky to run away from them, but my colleague almost 5 months in russian prison (or maybe dead - nobody talking to him since capturing). What I am trying to say is that this is no joke at all. There are lives at stake. Terrorists takes what they want and then get rid of the witnesses This button is what we needed year ago. Maybe it could save one or two lives. Isn't it worth it? Because if there is no possibility to do crime, then there is no crime and no witnesses of crime - no need to kill anyone. I'm sorry if this post was a bit emotional. -- Kind regards, Mykhailo Kononykhin --
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