Dear All, As most of you will be aware the next RIPE meeting is just around the corner in Berlin, we have started to think about agenda items for the ncc-services working group. So, if anyone would like to suggest a presentation or raise a topic for discussion please let either Kurtis or me know and we'll arrange a spot on the agenda for you. Kind Regards Bijal Sanghani Senior Engineer - Technical Services Group Reliance Globalcom (UK) Ltd Sovereign Court, 635 Sipson Road, West Drayton Middlesex, UB7 0JE, UK Direct: (+44) 020 8282 1564 | FAX: +44 208 282 1566 E MAIL: bsanghani@relianceglobalcom.com <mailto:bsanghani@relianceglobalcom.com> | URL: www.relianceglobalcom.com <http://www.relianceglobalcom.com> IMPORTANT - Please note the change of my email id from bsanghani@flagtelecom.com <mailto:bsanghani@flagtelecom.com> to bsanghani@relianceglobalcom.com <mailto:bsanghani@relianceglobalcom.com> Disclaimer : Please note that Flag Telecom is now Reliance Globalcom. Accordingly, our Emails IDs have also changed from xyz@flagtelecom.com to xyz@relianceglobalcom.com.