Hi All, As you know, the real price of the IPv4 is high. The cost of even smallest transfer not less than 10k EUR, larger nets can easy cost millions. I'm afraid this paragraph will open the way for a big fraud. Not all countries which RIPE NCC members are from has the fair court system. For example, in Ukraine to buy any court decision costs as low as 5k EUR, or just for free if you have enough political power. I believe some countries are even cheaper. In comparsion with hundreds of thousands EUR the transfer agreement - it is almost nothing. And of course, buyers can't return their money in this case. I propose to change the paragraph this way: "2.2 In the event that this Transfer Agreement is nullified or deemed invalid due to violation of laws described in Article 2.1, the transfer of registration of Internet Number Resources shall be considered void and the Internet Number Resources shall be returned to the RIPE free pool." This will eliminate the base for fraud, as after the court decision the network will not be returned to the Offering Party. On Tue, 16 May 2023 09:53:13 +0200 Kevin Brennan <kbrennan@ripe.net> wrote:
2.2 In the event that this Transfer Agreement is nullified or deemed invalid due to violation of laws described in Article 2.1, the transfer of registration of Internet Number Resources shall be reverted and the Internet Number Resources shall be returned to the Offering Partyā€¯.
-- Max Tulyev <maxtul@netassist.ua>