I m not sure what risk they would refer to myself, however contracting with the wrong entity doesn't sound like a good solution either. Viele Grüße Michael Böhme WEBDISCOUNT GmbH & Co. KG Robert-Bosch-Straße 20 48153 Münster Deutschland Tel: +49 (0)2 51 / 26 39 30-0 Fax: +49 (0)2 51 / 26 39 30-49 Sitz der Kommanditgesellschaft: Münster Amtsgericht Münster HRA 8897 USt.ID: DE 815 197 935 Persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: WEBDISCOUNT Verwaltungs GmbH Sitz der GmbH: Münster Amtsgericht Münster HRB 12721 Geschäftsführer Michael Böhme http://www.webdiscount.net -- Am 06.08.2019 16:29 schrieb Wilfried Wöber <woeber@cc.univie.ac.at>: On 06/08/2019 12:36, Michael Boehme wrote:
Hi Carsten,
this is a copy/paste:
--------------8<--------------8<--------------8<--------------8<-------------- [..snip..]
I would be curious to learn which particular 'risks' the NCC perceives as important or critical, causing the NCC to refuse to sign a contract? The 'product' which the NCC manages and distributes doesn't have manufacturing or storage cost. And - incidentally - every other legal construction poses the risk of defaulting wrt to payments due...
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Michael Böhme
Best regards, Wilfried