Considering the strong interests who are trying to screw over as many people as they can get away with, and considering to what extent they have already been able to pervert ICANN, I can certainly not see the sense in ripping into RIPE to make sure that we have no organization which will stand up for european interests when the pirates of DNS comes for our blood next time.
Thanks for the wise words. Paying a few thousand EURs per year to have a very professional organisation lobbying for our interests worldwide. Maybe many fine lunches, dinners, but even more very professional work! Yes, RIPE is worth every cent. Please re-consider the "cost-cutting-efforts" going on: If there had been no RIPE with crystal-clear policies as a very good example of self-gouvernance, many national government regulations would be in place instead -- and it would be a big mess. -- MfG/Best regards, Kurt Jaeger 17 years to go ! LF.net GmbH fon +49 711 90074-23 pi@LF.net Ruppmannstr. 27 fax +49 711 90074-33 D-70565 Stuttgart mob +49 171 3101372