Hello, I've been lately looking at ripeness.ripe.net data, with special focus on my country's numbers. :-) The recent World IPv6 Day was imho a good thing, some people took some more steps towards having some IPv6 in their networks, and that allowed us to increase the # of IPv6 peerings over the local (and small) IXP from 12 to 15. :-))) Getting an IPv6 block, register the route6 object, the DNS reverse object (domain) and make the block visible will not «automagically» generate more IPv6 packets on the Internet, but i find these steps to be key for future IPv6 deployments. This is basically why i think this should be monitored and promoted, so we know which people (i.e. LIRs) we still need to talk to (and in some cases, offer our help). So i would like to support the idea of making ripeness.ripe.net a production service, maybe linked with IPv6 Act Now (www.ipv6actnow.org). Best Regards, Carlos