Dear colleagues,
We are now publishing the quarterly planning for all our development teams. These are available at:
The goals of publishing our planning are to be transparent about the work we will be carrying out in the coming months, to get your input on those plans, and to foster a dialogue with our members and the community about what you would like to see the RIPE NCC work on going forward.
Last quarter, we published our plans for RPKI and this was shared with the Routing Working Group. Today we publish our planning for the RIPE Database and our Business Applications, which includes work we will carry out with the LIR Portal, registry services and other applications the RIPE NCC provides for its members and community.
We will provide status updates as the work progresses and add input from the community to the pages. We will also archive previous plans so you can track how we progress with our work.
If you have comments or questions about our planning, I hope you'll let us know.
Kind regards,
Felipe Victolla Silveira
Chief Operations Officer