28 Jun
28 Jun
8:31 a.m.
On Sun, 27 Jun 2021 at 18:26, Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> wrote:
For day to day IT, where you know what you need with no big surprises
i think we live in different worlds
+1. If you don't sell it to our customers, and the regulator, law or customer contract doesn't require it, don't do it. Doing your first server is like 1MEUR YRC, you can probably capitalise that investment with a more core business focused target. If you are going to do compute, do it right and sell it. The days when acceptable compute is tower pc in your broom closet lundia shelf and maintained on 'if someone is awake and wants to do it' basis are not really acceptable but often used as cost comparison towards cloud. -- ++ytti