In a message dated 22/08/03 18:44:28 W. Europe Daylight Time, woeber@cc.univie.ac.at writes: I am working from the assumption that the bigger community (RIPE - which includes the rep.s of the Members!) develops and agrees to the activity plan, the NCC Members approve and agree to paid the bills, and the managing director is expected to make it happen, with whatever it takes. Operationally, I always saw the Board as a "background" group, which focuses on keeping the safety belts in good working condition, and to take care of formal responsibilities of the Association, as well as providing guidance to the MD. At the time when I was on the Board, we were very reluctant to interfere with the day-to-day management of the NCC. As this is a memory of the past, things might have changed. Probably something the Board should comment on. Wilfried, A quite good summary, and yes, this is still the case: the board does not interfere with the day to day management of the NCC. Daniele