On 01/08/2012 16:42, Denis Walker wrote:
Beyond that is tricky as the reference to ORGANISATION is optional everywhere except the ALLOCATION objects. What you are asking for would be possible if the reference to ORGANISATION was mandatory on all allocated resources.
Hi Denis, Thanks for your reply. Somehow or another, alloclist.txt is built from information which is held by the RIPE NCC. This information includes the LIR regid, which means that you have a pretty much direct mapping internally between allocations and regid. Separately, there is another file maintained on the RIPE ftp site called delegated-ripencc-latest. This includes all direct assignments, all ASNs and all allocations. What I was looking for was something along the lines of delegated-ripencc-latest, except with an extra field to include the regid if it exists for that particular object. I don't see any particular need to include this information in objects in the ripe database, because it would probably be difficult to do due to backwards compatibility reasons. But it should be pretty easy to augment delegated-ripencc-latest with an extra field, no? Nick