01.11.22 23:54, Matthias Merkel пише:
If we give LIRs a way to opt into a resource lock, this might give a way for rogue employees to severely hurt their employer, for example shortly before being fired or quitting. This could probably be worked around by having an unlock procedure (which might involve a video call or in-person meeting with NCC staff) or by notifying all contacts and having a grace period of a week or two to cancel the lock.
I support this.
With either option, it is possible that transfers still unofficially take place, just without being reflected in the RIPE database. This would cause the RIPE database to become less accurate. There is no real practical requirement for IP space to be registered to someone before they can use it.
If the full ban will be implemented (not only outside-Ukraine ban), resources will be bought for cheap with beneficiaries of that scheme, but :unofficially", without notifying NCC. So yes, this will make DB less accurate. But who cares?