Il 01/10/18 09:48, Marcolla, Sara Veronica ha scritto:
For instance a lawyer's business address (or a dentist and so on) is publicly available - on registries, online, basically everywhere, however their home address not, and this without being a threat to a privacy, or individual rights.
It makes a lot of sense for crafts that have business addresses. But what about painters, intrument players and bike delivery men? Think to the smallest business you can imagine. It's a person. With children. And a fish in a bowl, next to a old armchair. When he comes home he can smell boiled cabbage and old rag mats. You get the point. I read the rationale of the proposal, and I understand how useful and time saving it would be to have a tidy database. I like it. I am not against publising addresses, I am advocating good design in the hope that the rights of a minority will be protected not less than today. OSINT has become very accessibile and popular (think to Maltego), and we are potentially giving to malicious actors a sharp tool. Regards, -- Nik Soggia - TELNET S.r.l. Phone: +39-0382-529751 Via Buozzi, 5 - 27100 Pavia, Italy Fax: +39-0382-528074