On 10.09 16:48, Hank Nussbacher wrote:
At 11:36 AM 10-09-03 +0200, Daniel Karrenberg wrote:
... How would this endoresement be determined?
Each LIR would be entitled to one ccTLD to be monitored. Most won't need it. Assuming there are about 50 countries in the RIPE area, and about 3500 LIRs, I am sure that one can find a LIR to support a ccTLD to be monitored. That means that the other countries in ARIN/APNIC/LACLIC would have to fund their own service.
Now this *is* simple-minded: The end-game is that we monitor all TLDs because there are less TLDs than RIPE NCC members and there will be some of them intereste in TLDs outside the RIPE region and many of them will be interested in some gTLDs. Next we will get questions about 2nd level domains. Try again. Hint: One might establish a ranking and set a monitoring capacity. Daniel