Dear all,

As a consumer of this data, I have a question regarding the legitimately closed (no test nor renamed) LIRs in file.

On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 6:10 PM, Laura Cobley <> wrote:
Dear colleagues,

As part of our efforts to improve data quality across the RIPE NCC, we
would like to update a file within the FTP site:

According to our records, this file should contain a *list of allocated
address space held by the RIPE NCC membership
*. However, in addition to
the expected data, the file also contains a number of references to
obsoleted member accounts which no longer exist. These include, for
example, accounts created for internal testing and accounts which have
subsequently been renamed and therefore appear twice.

We are therefore proposing a clean-up of this data so that it shows *only
allocated address space held by the RIPE NCC membership
*. Other than
removing the erroneous information, the format of the data will not be

Just to make it clear: does this mean the file will just include active LIRs and their allocations, effectively excluding all sort of closed LIRs?
We plan to begin the clean-up three weeks from today (Thursday 28 March,
2013) and would be grateful for any feedback via this mailing list or
sent to <> before then.

Kind regards,

Laura Cobley
RIPE NCC Customer Services Manager

Thanks in advance and have a nice day,

Iņigo Ortiz de Urbina Cazenave