Dear All, It's about 5 weeks till the RIPE meeting in Dubai and we've started compiling items for the draft agenda for the NCC Services working group. If anyone would like to suggest a presentation or raise a topic for discussion please let either Kurtis or me know and we'll arrange a spot on the agenda for you. Kind Regards Bijal Sanghani Senior Engineer - Technical Services Group Reliance Globalcom (UK) Ltd Sovereign Court, 635 Sipson Road, West Drayton Middlesex, UB7 0JE, UK Direct: (+44) 020 8282 1564 | FAX: +44 208 282 1566 E MAIL: bsanghani@relianceglobalcom.com <mailto:bsanghani@relianceglobalcom.com> | URL: www.relianceglobalcom.com <http://www.relianceglobalcom.com> IMPORTANT - Please note the change of my email id from bsanghani@flagtelecom.com <mailto:bsanghani@flagtelecom.com> to bsanghani@relianceglobalcom.com <mailto:bsanghani@relianceglobalcom.com> Disclaimer : Please note that Flag Telecom is now Reliance Globalcom. Accordingly, our Emails IDs have also changed from xyz@flagtelecom.com to xyz@relianceglobalcom.com.