Hi Erik, On 6/10/13 11:30 AM, Erik Bais wrote:
First of all, sorry for being a bit late to jump in on the proposal.
I had a question on the procedures, when this proposal is accepted.
Is it the intention of the RIPE NCC to go back to ALL legacy resource holders (including those that have signed the 'Legacy Space Agreement' or 'Agreement between Legacy Holder and LIR' ( see the downloads of the templates here : http://www.ripe.net/lir-services/resource-management/legacy-space ) to ask them if they would want to revert their decision and get their original LEGACY status back on their resources under this policy instead of the status: Allocated PA or Assigned PI?
The reason why I ask this, as there might be original Legacy space holders who might think that the current proposal would be a better solution (fit) than the current implemented (signed) agreement.
I noticed point 10 in the Executive Summary:
10. If the proposal is accepted, the RIPE NCC will have to contact Legacy Resource Holders that have their resources registered under the umbrella of an LIR and offer them the contractual options of the accepted proposal. The RIPE NCC will consider any requests for this since 1992 as having never been submitted.
But does that include ALL Legacy resource holders even those that are not registered under a LIR?
If this policy reaches consensus the RIPE NCC will contact legacy resource holders that over time have either: - registered their address space with an LIR; and/or - signed one of the agreements mentioned above in order to inform them that those agreements and registrations will be considered as never having been submitted and offer them the options listed in the accepted policy. Furthermore the RIPE NCC will send an email to the contacts registered in all other legacy resource RIPE Database objects, informing them about the options listed in the accepted policy.
One of the other (small) points that I had some questions about is point 2 in the Executive summary:
2. The RIPE NCC often receives requests from Legacy Resource Holders wanting their resources to be considered as space allocated by the RIPE NCC. If this proposal is accepted, the RIPE NCC will have to decline these requests.
Why would the RIPE NCC have to decline these requests?
I believe that Niall has already addressed this question.
I also have a question on the topic A Understanding the policy:
This policy proposal is meant to be applied by the RIPE NCC to Registration Services, as regards Legacy Internet Resources.
Legacy Internet Resources – as defined in this proposal, are any Internet resources obtained prior to (or otherwise outside of) the current system of hierarchical distribution (by allocation or assignment) through the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs). While this definition is not limited to resources in the RIPE Registry, the RIPE NCC does not have authority over Legacy Internet Resources in other registries. If this proposal is accepted, the RIPE NCC will implement it only to Legacy Internet Resources that are currently registered in the RIPE Registry.
If there are Legacy Internet Resources currently registered at ARIN for instance and a legitimate holder wants to have their resource registered in the RIPE registry, why would it not be available for those registrations?
Legacy resources issued to organisations within the RIPE region have been transferred to the RIPE region during the ERX project. Legacy resources that have not been transferred at that time, have been issued and registered to organisations in other RIR regions. RIPE policy has no authority over legacy resources registered in other RIR regions. For this reason, in order to transfer those resources to the RIPE registry (and register them with a RIPE NCC LIR), there needs to be a transfer policy that would allow transfers between the RIPE NCC and the RIR that has the authority over those resources. I hope this clarifies. Best regards, Andrea Cima RIPE NCC
Regards, Erik Bais