On Thu, 28 May 2009, Sander Steffann wrote:
Why? You get charged for the resources that those end users have. It is not strange to charge them for that amount. There is no way for them to keep those resources without paying the amount set in the charging scheme by the RIPE NCC General Meeting. The same as an LIR who has to pay the RIPE NCC membership fees set in the same charging scheme. You as an LIR have signed a contract with the NCC without knowing the exact amount that you will be charged next year. Why would an end user be any different?
When we allocated ASNs (just an ASN - not PI space) to some organizations 13 years ago we did not assume that RIPE would start charging per ASN allocation *and* retroactively as well. May not be legally valid from an EU standpoint, but we do not have the resources to contest it. So we just eat the cost. -Hank