In article <20031006121932.A4658@iprg.nokia.com>, David Kessens <david@iprg.nokia.com> wrote:
On Mon, Oct 06, 2003 at 03:58:13PM +0200, Olaf M. Kolkman wrote:
[...] the "rev-srv:" attribute has been retired for the purpose of requesting reverse delegation. E.g see: http://www.ripe.net/ripencc/faq/reverse/qa2.html#14: [...]
As you saw from my previous mail, if we decide to go the 'domain:' object way, let's get rid of the 'rev-srv:' attribute at the same time. I would like that to be part of the proposal.
This whole 'rev-srv:' versus 'domain:' confusion has already lasted for such a long time that it is time to clear it up.
IIRC, Marvin only accepts domain objects for the last couple of years. The FAQ asks kindly to remove the rev-srv lines, but I guess no one really cares. Let's get rid of them in the cleanup process. Regards, Joerg