On 12/09/2012 00:42, Sander Steffann wrote:
One thing we realised when talking about the current text is that it is more than just a policy proposal. It also contains historic stuff and summaries of other documents. We (the proposers) are thinking about cutting away the informational text (probably to put it in a separate informational document) to leave only the real policy related text.
So all comments are still greatly appreciated! They will certainly be taken into account for either the final policy text or the informational text.
ok. my main concerns about it are: 1. it doesn't establish a quid pro quo between the erx holders and the ripe ncc. It looks to me like all the obligations are on the RIPE NCC and that the ERX holders have no obligations whatsoever. This is not - and cannot become - the basis of a functional relationship between the RIPE NCC and the ERX holders because the basis of any functional relationship between two entities must be a quid pro quo. 2. there is a lot of talk about the rights of ERX holders in this document. I'm unclear on why the proposers believe that the RIPE community has the competence to issue statements of rights like this, given that they don't believe that the RIPE community has the competence to create policies concerning this address space. You can't have it both ways. 3. suggesting policy statements which cannot be undone by future policy statements seems...odd. 4. it's unclear to me to what extent the policy document represents the consensus viewpoint of the ERX holder community. I have a lot of other smaller concerns, but this is more than enough to start with. In short, I can't really see how this document could become the basis of an agreement between the RIPE NCC and the ERX holders. Daniel's email to ncc-services-wg of Aug 29 16:37:07 CEST 2012 seems like a much more sensible starting point. Nick