[Apologies for duplicate mails.] RIPE 49 MEETING REPORT Dear Colleagues, The RIPE 49 Meeting was held from 20 - 24 September 2004 at the Renaissance Hotel, Manchester, United Kingdom. There were 301 participants at the meeting. Attendees also included government representatives and representatives from AfriNIC, APNIC, ARIN, LACNIC and ICANN. HIGHLIGHTS Highlights of RIPE 49 included an update on the Number Resource Organization from Axel Pawlik, Managing Director, RIPE NCC; a discussion on the RIPE policy development process; a proposal to restructure RIPE Meetings into three days on operational/technical content followed by two days on policy related issues. The ASO held an election for a seat on the ASO Address Council. Hans Petter Holen was re-elected. Geoff Huston, APNIC, gave a report on the routing table status for IPv4 and IPv6. This presentation is available at: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-49/presentations/ripe49-plenary-bgp.p... The European Operators Forum (EOF) featured presentations on peering and core network security. EOF presentations can be viewed at: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-49/eof.html The RIPE NCC, LINX, TeleCity, Telecomplete and XChange Point Europe are thanked for the support they provided to the meeting. BT Net are thanked for the excellent provision of the meeting Internet connectivity. SUMMARY ADDRESS POLICY WORKING GROUP - It was agreed that IPv6 allocations from IANA to the RIRs had to be increased in terms of block size, and that /12 was the best allocation size to use. - RIPE Chair, Rob Blokzijl, announced that he would publish a draft of the policy development process for the RIPE region. - There was discussion on the usage of HD ratio for IPv4 and the forthcoming formal proposal regarding this. - The 200 End Users requirement for receiving an IPv6 allocation was discussed and it was agreed that a formal proposal to remove it should be sent to the community. Address Policy Working Group presentations can be viewed at: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-49/presentations/index.html#ap DATABASE WORKING GROUP - It was agreed that the RIPE NCC should implement the 'abuse-c:' attribute in the 'irt', 'person', 'role' and 'inet[6]num' object classes. - It was agreed that the RIPE NCC should implement the 'poem' object in the RIPE Database. Database Working Group presentations can be viewed at: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-49/presentations/index.html#db TEST TRAFFIC MEASUREMENT (TTM) WORKING GROUP - It was noted that ten test boxes, throughout the RIPE region, have been added to the RIPE NCC Test Traffic Measurements matrix in 2004. Test Traffic Working Group presentations can be viewed at: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-49/presentations/index.html#tt ANTI-SPAM WORKING GROUP - A tutorial on message headers was given by Rodney Tillotson, Working Group Chair. - The group discussed the issue of improving the RIPE Database for abuse contacts. There was a majority support for a combination of 'irt' objects with some modifications, and for changes to the default Whois behaviour. Anti-Spam Working Group presentations can be viewed at: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-49/presentations/index.html#anti-spam IPv6 WORKING GROUP - The RIPE NCC announced that K-root has been IPv6-enabled since August 2004. - Geoff Huston, APNIC, gave an update on multihoming in IPv6. - There was discussion about IPv6 glue for root name servers. IPv6 Working Group presentations can be viewed at: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-49/presentations/index.html#ipv6 EIX WORKING GROUP - It was noted that the switching wish list is in last call and that the final review will take place at the Euro-IX meeting in Athens (October 2004). - It was noted that an Inter Providers Traffic Analyzer tool is available from the Milan Internet Exchange. EIX Working Group presentations can be viewed at: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-49/presentations/index.html#eix ENUM WORKING GROUP - There was a presentation from the United Kingdom's Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) on an ENUM Consultation regarding how ENUM should be operated in the UK. - There was a presentation on ENUM deployment in Sweden. ENUM Working Group Presentations can be viewed at: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-49/presentations/index.html#enum DNS WORKING GROUP - It was agreed that the DNS Working Group should take up responsibility for documenting the issues around DNS server migration. - It was noted that the DNS Working Group Chair would collect requirements for the DNS samples and statistics. - It was noted that the DNS Working Group Chair would coordinate the production of a RIPE Document based on Fernando Garcia's DNS Server Migration document. DNS Working Group presentations can be viewed at: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-49/presentations/index.html#dns ROUTING WORKING GROUP - It was announced that the maintenance of the IRR Toolset has been transferred from the RIPE NCC to the Internet Systems Consortium (ISC). - There was discussion on securing the network through hiding the core. - There was an overview of the RIS project and discussion on the various uses of the myASn BGP monitoring tool. Routing Working Group presentations can be viewed at: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-49/presentations/index.html#routing RIPE NCC SERVICES WORKING GROUP - It was agreed that the RIPE Chair would look at the possibilities of reworking the framework of RIPE meetings, so that operational content would come at the beginning of the meeting week and policy discussions would come at the end of the week. - It was agreed that the RIPE NCC would generate statistics on the quantity of spam on the RIPE NCC servers. RIPE NCC Services Working Group presentations can be viewed at: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-49/presentations/index.html#ncc-servi... TUTORIALS The RIPE NCC Training Team presented the RIPE NCC IP Request Tutorial. It explained address space assignment and allocation procedures in the RIPE NCC region: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-49/lir-course/index.html RIPE 49 WEBCASTING AND ARCHIVES During RIPE 49, the RIPE NCC held trials in collecting feedback from participants watching the webcast. The mediums used for this were IRC and Jabber. Archives of presentations, webcasts and IRC/Jabber feedback from RIPE 49 are available at: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-49/sessions-archive.html HOSTMASTER CONSULTATION CENTRE (HCC) The RIPE NCC Hostmaster Consultation Centre was open at RIPE 49, allowing RIPE NCC Members to discuss issues relating to their business directly with RIPE NCC Hostmasters. "MEET & GREET" The RIPE NCC's "Meet & Greet" was available for first-time RIPE Meeting attendees at RIPE 49. "Meet & Greet" introduces newcomers to the meetings, to key attendees from the RIPE community and to social events throughout the week. More information can be obtained by contacting <meet-greet@ripe.net>. RIPE 49 REFERENCE PAGE A complete list of RIPE 49 sessions, tutorials and presentations can be found at: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-49/index.html RIPE 50 RIPE 50 will be held in Stockholm, Sweden from 2 - 6 May 2005. Information on RIPE 50 will soon be made available at: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-50/ If you have any questions about RIPE Meetings, please contact <meeting@ripe.net>. -- end --