All, As part of the policy development process, it is the role of the chairs to summarise the discussion at the end of the discussion phase. As we are now at that point, and we are moving towards the review phase when the documents are ready, here is a brief summary. • 8th March 2023: The RIPE Policy Development Officer announces the policy to the ncc-services-wg and policy-announce lists, with a deadline of the 6th April for discussion. • 21st March 2023: One of the co-chairs of the WG reminds the list we are half-way through the discussion phase and invites comments. • 6th April 2023: Original discussion phase closes with no comments received. • 14th April 2023: Request to the list not to require notarised documents for the transfer lock. • 26th April 2023: One of the proposal authors emails the discussion list to ask for discussion. Over the next couple of days there are a few expressions of support, but also several queries as to whether this should be handled in the PDP. • 3rd May 2023: WG co-chair asked the RIPE NCC’s legal counsel about the requirement for a policy. • 4th May 2023: Athina replied with an explanation. Over the next week or so there were a couple of messages discussing Athina’s response, pointing out a clash with RIPE-682, and further discussing whether the proposal should be in the PDP. • 15th May 2023: Discussion phase extended to 2nd June. • 24th May to 2nd June 2023: About a dozen more expressions of support. Some further discussion about the means by which the request should be properly authenticated, whether a single director is sufficient via the LIR portal or notarised papers would be required. Hope that helps. Cheers, Rob, Bijal & Kurtis.