Dear David, Thank you for your reply and enquiry. David Monosov wrote:
Dear Andrew, ncc-services-wg, address-policy-wg,
Thank you kindly for this update, it is encouraging to see the success of this initiative.
I can't help but notice that the number of marked resources you provide in this report appears to be significantly lower than that in a similar report Andrea Cima provided to address-policy-wg on 26/10/2009 (the previous report states 23,790 resources are marked, while only 22,958 are reported as marked in this update). Could you please elaborate on the nature of this adjustment?
The statistics that were used for the update dated 26 October 2009 were based on the logs of the policy application in the LIR Portal, which RIPE NCC members were using to mark the independent resources listed in their registries in the first step of Phase 2 of the policy implementation. The RIPE NCC has developed new software that improves the method of gathering these statistics. Instead of using the logs from the policy application in the LIR Portal as the source for the statistics, we now look at the status of the independent resources listed in the registry files of LIRs. This means the statistics are now definite and reflect the information we have on record. Additionally, this phase of the policy implementation has encouraged LIRs to return independent resources to the free pool that are not in use or required anymore. LIRs also approach the RIPE NCC on a daily basis in order to update the selection they have made during the first step of Phase 2 of the implementation. These changes have to be processed manually and would have not been included and visible in the previous version of the statistics. Furthermore, the RIPE NCC has processed mergers, takeovers and closures of LIRs in the time period since the last update was given. This has also had an influence on the numbers and statistics. For the reasons mentioned above, the total amount of resources marked in Phase 2 of the policy implementation that we provided in the recent update are slightly lower than the numbers provided in the update from 26 October 2009.
Additionally, it has been previously mentioned that a procedural document detailing Phase 3 of the implementation of this proposal will be made available before implementation begins. Seeing that the final deadline is less than two months and a fortnight away, how soon can we expect this document to be available, and are there any operational specifics you can already share with us?
The RIPE NCC is currently planning and creating a procedure based on experience and feedback received from our membership. We will give an update to the RIPE community at the RIPE 60 Meeting to be held in Prague from 3-7 May 2010. The procedural documentation and additional information for Phase 3 will be published before the implementation begins.
-- Respectfully yours,
David Monosov
Kind regards, Arne Kiessling IP Resource Analyst RIPE NCC