On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 11:20:53PM +0200, Michael Markstaller wrote:
Thats clear but there IMHO must be some path to get hold of the user - either via sponsoring LIR or via upstream (which might be more complicated but also a way..)
I'm not actually concerned about your use-case of an uncontactable PI end-user, that is entirely legit. What worries me more is every internet muppet and their brother now being able to harass and threaten a LIR for any perceived wrong by a sponsored end-user (when the LIR could actually not even do anything about it).
Just a suggestion: If its only about privacy, a tradeoff could be: only visible for LIRs in lirportal (?)
This would at least mitigate against kooks and randomers. Most LIRs should know about the PI-sponsoring relationship. rgds, Sascha