Hello NCC Services WG, The collective of RIPE working group chairpersons has decided that each RIPE working group should have some rules regarding the re-selection of the chairs. Kurtis and I have come up with the following, we’ve tried to keep it light weight and simple so we can easily change if needed for the next round: The RIPE NCC Services Working Group will endeavour to keep two Chair persons whenever possible. Every two years one of the chairs will offer to stand down to allow new candidates to become Chair. The Chair standing down will be announced via email to the working group mailing list, prior to next meeting. Any community members may volunteer for the available position. During the meeting, the working group itself will by consensus establish the new or re-elected working group Chair. If for what ever reason consensus can not be reached or there are no new volunteers the existing Chair will continue their working group duties. For those interested in volunteering for a working group position, please read the description and responsibilities of a RIPE working group Chair, RIPE-542 http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/ripe-542 Please let us know if you have any feedback before or at RIPE 69 in London. Best regards, RIPE NCC Services WG Chairs Kurtis and Bijal