Dear colleague, To my mind you don't see the latest RIPE event. Or didn't look carefully. I'm fully agree with point 1 of your speech. That is, there is a problem. But there's no solution, or a legitimate solution. Stop transfer from UA to RU LIRs? Ok, but such transfers usual not to RU LIRs. Accept transfers from UA to UA? Okay, but what territory of the UA at the time of confirmation is under occupation? And how RIPE NCC know it's surely? And RIPE NCC is not blocking transfers by himself. The part of ua LIRs ask NCC to do that. Temporarily. Until this working group adopts the necessary changes to the relevant polices. So no cynicism and naivety. Or something similar. That's if it's fair.
On 19 Dec 2022, at 23:09, Serhii Khomenko <khomenko.serhii.m@gmail.com> wrote:
I still will not get tired of being surprised at how naive people who live in civilized European countries. Although, maybe it's just a cynicism.
1. The only reason why we are discussing this topic (limiting the rights of Ukrainian companies) is the aggression of the russians. They are the only ones who can steal blocks of addresses in Ukraine, threatening the holders of Internet resources with death. Instead of punishing the aggressor, you implement restrictions on the victim of aggression. -- I assume that this is cynicism.
2. If you did not know, notary services are not for free. We are all Ukrainians now actively sponsoring the Armed Forces of Ukraine who are the only guarantor of the security of our companies. And instead of sending funds to strengthen the defense of Ukraine, you want to implement on us the obligation to pay an additional fees for the notary services. Thank you so much for your "support".
3. As we have already determined, the only reason for your concern and maniacal desire to violently protect the resources of Ukrainian companies is russians.
Also, everyone knows that hundreds of thousands of russists came not only to Ukraine, but also to dozens of countries of the European Union. And they can do whatever they want on the territory of the EU: the Skripal case, the Litvinenko case etc. The only difference is that Ukrainians have learned how to mix them with the soil. European countries do not know how to do this. So your companies are more vulnerable to the russians. Why don't you change the RIPE policy to limit the rights for companies throughout the territory of RIPE? Why don't you want to oblige European companies to pay for notary services during transfers as well or stop any transfers through all the RIPE countries at all?
-- Cynicism? Yes cynicism.
4. Why don't you want to implement a single effective way to protect all companies within the RIPE —- blocking all transfers to a single criminal -- the russians??? And it will not be necessary to impose restrictions of the rights and freedoms for the European companies. But you won't do that - too much money comes from russists to RIPE, and everyone knows it.
- You know nothing about European values, unless these values are refined mercantile cynicism.
IMPLEMENT YOUR RESTRICTIONS FOR russia NOT FOR UKRAINE!! Or implement the same new policy for the whole RIPE region otherwise it will be discrimination of Ukraine based on national origin.
Kind regards, Serhii
пн, 19 груд. 2022 р. о 14:47 <ncc-services-wg-request@ripe.net> пише: Send ncc-services-wg mailing list submissions to ncc-services-wg@ripe.net
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: Survey among Ukrainian companies and Lirs (Sander Steffann) 2. Re: Survey among Ukrainian companies and Lirs (Max Tulyev) 3. Re: Survey among Ukrainian companies and Lirs (Olha Sira) 4. Update on Measures to Protect Ukrainian Networks (Hans Petter Holen) 5. Re: Update on Measures to Protect Ukrainian Networks (Sander Steffann) 6. Re: Update on Measures to Protect Ukrainian Networks (Max Tulyev)
Message: 1 Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2022 14:50:06 +0100 From: Sander Steffann <sander@steffann.nl> To: Max Tulyev <president@ukraine.su> Cc: ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Subject: Re: [ncc-services-wg] Survey among Ukrainian companies and Lirs Message-ID: <1CC41DBA-FB29-44BF-9142-17F268C35DF1@steffann.nl> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Hi Max,
Of course they will not reply.
We are seeing now the finish of "afrinicization" of RIPE NCC. NCC is no more community and consensus driving. They works on behalf on some "crystal clear" government people, probably for free, but I'm not sure.
Please keep such unfounded accusations to yourself Sander
Message: 2 Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2022 15:56:37 +0200 From: Max Tulyev <president@ukraine.su> To: ncc-services-wg@ripe.net Subject: Re: [ncc-services-wg] Survey among Ukrainian companies and Lirs Message-ID: <5618df1b-1012-cd57-e7a0-1455c83193fa@ukraine.su> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
If I see no clear reason for some action, I will come up with the most appropriate one. And it is not good for sure. Because it looks like this I said.
19.12.22 15:50, Sander Steffann ????:
Hi Max,
Of course they will not reply.
We are seeing now the finish of "afrinicization" of RIPE NCC. NCC is no more community and consensus driving. They works on behalf on some "crystal clear" government people, probably for free, but I'm not sure.
Please keep such unfounded accusations to yourself Sander
Message: 3 Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2022 14:15:10 +0000 From: Olha Sira <vasylevych@gmail.com> To: "ncc-services-wg@ripe.net" <ncc-services-wg@ripe.net> Subject: Re: [ncc-services-wg] Survey among Ukrainian companies and Lirs Message-ID: <CAENpxnRwX2iSbMNig5i93SMDd_P99Sb3XY5WY07yEQk9zbu-Ug@mail.gmail.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
On Mon, Dec 19, 2022 at 1:38 PM Matthias Merkel <matthias.merkel@staclar.com> wrote:
Delays are expected, but it now seems like transfers are paused entirely. If this is not the case then perhaps the NCC should clarify?
? Matthias Merkel [image: Sent from Front]
On December 19, 2022 at 2:37 PM GMT+1 pbd.ripe.ncc.services.wg@urdn.com.ua wrote:
Matthias Merkel <matthias.merkel@staclar.com> wrote:
Can we get any kind of official statement from the RIPE NCC on the current status on this?
The explanation for the extra delays was made on this mailing list by Hans Petter Holen on Wed, 2 Nov 2022:
As an immediate response, all transfer requests from Ukrainian networks will be escalated to me until further notice. We will of course continue to apply the highest levels of due diligence when reviewing these requests. This will add some amount of delay, which I think is entirely appropriate under the circumstances and given the seriousness of the concerns that have been raised.
However, if the delays would become too important, I suppose this decision should be reversed.
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To unsubscribe from this mailing list, get a password reminder, or change your subscription options, please visit: https://lists.ripe.net/mailman/listinfo/ncc-services-wg