All, This announcement appeared on the IPv6 working group mailing list a few weeks back: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2012 14:28:37 +0200 As announced in earlier, it is possible for RIPE NCC members to do IPv6-traceroutes from all RIPE Atlas probes to IPv6 destinations. In this new article on RIPE Labs we present a first experimental analysis and a prototype visualisation of the traceroute results: https://labs.ripe.net/Members/emileaben/visualise-your-ipv6-connectivity-usi... -------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm interested in IPv6, but have no way to access this service since I do not work for an LIR. (To be fair, I might be able to get access by talking to the correct people at the RIPE NCC, but in general this is a closed service.) In the past, I felt like RIPE NCC services tended to be public, unless they were naturally member-oriented. However with this service, I don't see any particular connection with members... except for the fact that they pay for it of course! (An additional minor detail here is that the information comes from RIPE Atlas probes, which do not only sit in LIR networks.) What do other participants in the NCC services working group think about the RIPE NCC providing member-only services? Should there be guidelines about this, or is this something that the RIPE NCC and their members should decide on a case-by-case basis? Cheers, -- Shane