At 11:16 06/09/2009 +0200, Axel Pawlik wrote:
Hank, all,
and so died the entire discussion thread of online voting. No one from RIPE NCC responded why electronic voting can't be implemented.
It's not that it cannot be implemented. I said at the GM and later, that I'd prefer not to invest the ressources at this time to implement a perfect e-voting system, rather focussing on IPv4 run-out and 2007-01 implementation support. Hence the idea to use postal ballots.
However, during last week's board meeting, we discussed the topic again. We acknowledge that there is a strong interest from members to implement electronic voting through the LIR portal. I'm changing priorities to have a system ready for the General Meeting in May 2010.
Currently we are finishing the supporting documents for the next General Meeting, to be posted this week, this will include a modification to the Articles of Association to allow for a streamlined voting process including for e-voting.
Been a year, but here I go again, beating at this dead horse. The meeting next month allows proxy voting as detailed by Axel's email from yesterday:
Proxy Voting ------------- If your organisation is to be represented by a third party, not being an authorised employee or director, please fill out the proxy form and send it to us by 3 November 2010. Any proxy sent to us after this date will not be valid. The proxy form is available to download here: http://www.ripe.net/membership/gm/gm-november2010/proxy.html
If you go thru the effort of doing the proxy "thing", you will find that one cannot submit a scanned proxy form by email, rather one has to use a fax machine or postal mail. In this day and age, this just strikes me as ridiculous. But now back to e-voting. In the Articles: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/articles-association.html section 17.1: 17.1 In addition to the possibility of the members to physically attend the meeting, the Executive Board may decide to open the possibility for the Members to attend the General Meeting through electronic means at a remote location and to vote through electronic means from a remote location. In addition the Executive Board may decide to open the possibility for the Members to electronically participate in deliberation at the General Meeting. The Executive Board shall regulate the (technical) procedure and the requirements for electronic attendance, voting and/or deliberation. The right to vote through electronic means shall only apply to Executive Board member elections. 1) Electronic voting for just executive board members is ridiculous as well. The more pressing issues are with charging schemes and other issues. Glad to see that this will be slightly changed as follows: http://www.ripe.net/membership/gm/gm-november2010/documents/changes-articles... But it is limited to what the Executive Board decides should be voted upon. I think whatever is voted upon in person should be allowed to be voted upon electronically w/o the EB having to get involved. 2) Last time electronic voting was used, one *had* to vote within a 15 minute window of opportunity. If you missed it, then you couldn't vote. I own or have owned numerous stocks and they allow electronic voting not just for the BoD but for many other issues as well. And one can vote for a few weeks before the general membership meeting. Only an organization that really doesn't want electronic voting would implement a 15 minute window to vote. As of today, we have 32 voting members attending out of how many LIRs - 5000? Does that make for democracy? I highly doubt it. Regards, -Hank
Hope this helps,