Dear Tom, Thank you for your query, and our apologies for any inconvenience that this may have caused. Your email address would have been automatically set to "disabled" after five messages from the list mail server bounced back from your mailbox. This could mean that your mail server was malfunctioning, which would also explain why you didn't receive the notification mail that would have been automatically generated and sent to you. Anyone affected by this can reenable their subscription by visiting the membership management page at: http://www.ripe.net/mailman/admin/ncc-services-wg/members If you have any further questions or suggestions about this, please contact <ncc@ripe.net> Regards, Paul Rendek RIPE NCC Head of External Relations and Communications -------- Original Message -------- Subject: [ncc-services-wg] disabled Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 11:19:08 +0200 From: tp <ripe@dial.pipex.com> Reply-To: tp <ripe@dial.pipex.com> To: <ncc-services-wg@ripe.net> In the run up to the last RIPE meeting, I stopped receiving e-mails from the various RIPE lists to which I am subscribed. I thought it odd that the lists should go quiet at such a time, tried resubscribing to find I was still subscribed and eventually stumbled across 'disabled', which all my lists were. I think that this procedure, of disabling subscriptions without warning, without explanation and for no reason apparent to the subscriber offers room for improvement. I cannot recall ever seeing any announcement about this, at subscription time or later, and having trawled the RIPE web site, I am still none the wiser as to how and why subscriptions get disabled. Even if I were, I imagine that there is nothing on this earth I can do to stop it happening, since I did nothing that I know of to make it happen the first time. Any thoughts? Tom Petch