Hi Ingrid, I disagree with this in general. Even those who aren't using automated systems to generate the forms, such as myself, find it useful to develop a form in a text file over time before submitting it. Also, if it is such a chore to maintain dual systems, then I suggest the NCC develops a mail-to-API converter at their end rather than require each individual LIR to change their systems. I also suggest that the API should be made available far ahead of phasing anything out. You should release that first long before discussing whether to retire the e-mail submission. Three months is not nearly enough time. It would only be possible to judge this once the API is place to gauge the development effort required. Some if not most LIRs do not have full-time developers on staff or do not maintain their own systems. Regards, David Croft On 5 August 2014 12:23, Ingrid Wijte <ingrid@ripe.net> wrote:
Dear colleagues,
We are currently working to streamline the process around resource requests, which is something that was asked for in the RIPE NCC Survey 2013. As you will be aware, we offer request forms in the LIR Portal in addition to the text-based email forms that are published in the RIPE document store:
Maintaining two different systems for requests is inefficient, as it requires duplicate work every time there is a policy change. More importantly, the text-based email forms use legacy systems that take engineering time from our staff to maintain.
We contacted many LIRs who made requests using the text-based email forms and in most cases they were using them out of habit or due to specific workflows they had. Most said they would not mind to change to the LIR Portal request forms, or adjust their workflows to use an API.
Today, most requests come via the LIR Portal rather than by email. Since November 2013:
- 95% of IPv6 allocations were issued after an LIR Portal form was sent (909 out of 960) - 91% of IPv4 allocations were requested via the LIR Portal (1,051 out of 1,154) - 75% of ASNs were requested via the LIR Portal (727 out of 975) - From the 25% of ASNs requested via email, 50% of these requests needed several iterations to pass the syntax checks
Based on this feedback and the fact that a clear majority of members are requesting resources through the LIR Portal, we would like to propose the following:
- The text-based email forms would be archived on 1 November 2014. - We would continue to accept email requests until the end of December 2014 to ensure that regular workflows are not disrupted. - The RIPE NCC would offer an API for those members with specific workflows that prevent them from using the request forms in the LIR Portal. - Text-based request forms that may be used by non-members (e.g. ENUM requests) would remain on the website. - To maintain transparency regarding the information needed to obtain resources, the RIPE NCC would publish these procedures on www.ripe.net.
We are interested in your feedback on this proposal:
- Do you agree with the general idea of phasing out text-based request forms? - What specific requirements would need to be addressed by the API? - Would December 2014 be a suitable deadline to give you time to adjust your systems and workflows?
Please share your feedback on the RIPE NCC Services WG mailing list by emailing <ncc-services-wg@ripe.net> before 1 October 2014. If you would like to send us your technical requirements and/or concerns confidentially, please email us at <requestforms@ripe.net>
We will provide an update with a summary of the feedback received, along with any next steps if the proposal is to go ahead.
Looking forward to your input, Best regards,
Ingrid Wijte Assistant Manager Registration Services RIPE NCC
-- David Croft IT - Network Engineering Sargasso Networks http://www.sargasso.net/ For support enquiries please always contact support at sargasso.net and not any named individual. UK: 0845 034 5020 USA: 212-400-1694