On Wed, 10 Oct 2018 11:21:33 +0000, Marcolla, Sara Veronica wrote:
But even those have to be somewhat recorded as businesses in their country, right?
They are RECORDED (if the proprietor chooses to follow the law which he may not) but not PUBLISHED. No record exists of where they are recorded so no one can know where to drive to locate the paper copy. Case study is my company which is a sole proprietorship active over 35 years and on the web for 20. I register my business in a local jurisdiction, which does not correspond to the name. The local jurisdiction collects US$15 p.a. That's all they care about. Dr. Jeffrey Race, President Cambridge Electronics Laboratories Tel +1 617 629-2805 Fax +1 617 623-1882 Avoid spinal damage from computer use! Read "Cripples by Thirty?" <http://www.camblab.com/nugget/nugget.htm>