On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 2:45 PM, Daniel Stolpe <stolpe@resilans.se> wrote:
On Wed, 4 Dec 2013, Sander Steffann wrote:
We would like to propose to put this functionality in maintenance mode, meaning that it would be provided as it is without a service guarantee. Alternatively, it could be removed altogether. This would free us of a maintenance and support burden, meaning that we can spend these resources on other valuable services.
I wouldn't mind if it was removed completely.
Do we know if these users rely solely on X.509 or do they have other options?
I'm only using x509... or think I somehow can remember my password if I try very hard ... and no I haven't been contacted about this before this mail on the subject. ... and really, I don't care That much if it's true two-factor or not, it's the easy of use that is the important factor for me. -- Roger Jorgensen | ROJO9-RIPE rogerj@gmail.com | - IPv6 is The Key! http://www.jorgensen.no | roger@jorgensen.no