Carsten, Just so we can self-check, what other lists do you think ccTLD operators should be on? At 12:10 +0200 8/17/05, Carsten Schiefner wrote:
could you please briefly outline by what means this list would distinguish itself from apparently very similar, already existing lists in that area?
Thanks and best,
Brett Carr wrote:
The RIPE NCC have setup a new mailing list aimed at ccTLD operators. The aim of the list is to: 1. Enable ccTLD operators to discuss DNS and other operational Internet issues. 2. Enable the RIPE NCC to communicate with many ccTLD operators in a single forum (For issues related to secondary DNS etc) If you are a ccTLD operator please feel free to sign up to the list here: http://www.ripe.net/mailman/listinfo/cctld Regards -- Brett Carr Ripe Network Coordination Centre Systems Engineer -- Operations Group Singel 258 Amsterdam NL GPG Key fingerprint = F20D B2A7 C91D E370 44CF F244 B6A1 EF48 E743 F7D8
-- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Edward Lewis +1-571-434-5468 NeuStar If you knew what I was thinking, you'd understand what I was saying.