Dear colleague,

Please see below and online the draft agenda for the NCC Services WG - RIPE 65 -

Date: Wednesday 26 September 2012
Time: 16.00 - 17.45

Chair: Kurtis Lindqvist
Co-Chair: Bijal Sanghani

A. Administrative Matters (5 minutes)

Select a scribe
Finalise agenda
Approve minutes from RIPE 66

B. RIPE NCC Survey Results
- Serge Radovcic, RIPE NCC and Desiree Miloshevic, Oxford Internet Institute (15 minutes)

C. RIPE NCC outlook 
- Axel Pawlik, RIPE NCC (20 minutes)

D. Services update and address hijacking issues
- Andrew de la Haye, RIPE NCC (20 minutes)

E. Policy Proposals Update
- NCC Services WG Chairs (10 minutes)

- 2012-07, RIPE NCC Services to Legacy Internet Resource Holders
- 2012-08, Publication of Sponsoring LIR for Independent Number Resources, Nick Hilliard, INEX
- 2013-04, Resource Certification for non-RIPE NCC members

F. Open Microphone Session



Bijal & Kurtis
NCC Services WG Chairs