Dear Hank, Thank you for your email and apologies for the very late response. Answering your question: we are minimally impacted by the charge of IPv4 addresses by AWS (and potentially other providers). We are making minimal use of public IPv4 addresses in Cloud platforms. When we do, it is mostly for public endpoints, such as load balancers. We use IPv6 whenever possible and, in the AWS case, we use a /44 Bring Your Own IP (BYOIP) pool for this purpose. We will take your point into account in the next revision of our Cloud strategy document. Regards, Felipe
On 15 Aug 2023, at 21:31, Hank Nussbacher <hank@interall.co.il> wrote:
On 27/10/2021 18:28, Felipe Victolla Silveira wrote:
Referring to the May 2023 v2 doc: https://labs.ripe.net/author/felipe_victolla_silveira/ripe-ncc-cloud-strateg... I notice there is no mention of IPv4 or IPv6 address usage and its cost. Why do I think we need to discuss it? Because of this recent article: https://labs.ripe.net/author/dan-fidler/aws-introduces-charges-for-public-ip...
If AWS has now introduced a $43/IP/yr cost, we can assume every cloud provider will follow suit. So what is the IP usage concept for RIPE NCC? Use cloud provided IPs? BYOIP? If so, does NCC have a big enough pool or will you be buying IPv4 from the marketplace? Or will you only be using IPv6? I think the Cloud Strategy Framework document v3 needs to address these points.
Regards, Hank
Dear colleagues, We have now published the final version of our cloud strategy, which was approved by our Executive Board at its last meeting in September. You can find this on RIPE Labs here: https://labs.ripe.net/author/felipe_victolla_silveira/ripe-ncc-cloud-strateg... <https://labs.ripe.net/author/felipe_victolla_silveira/ripe-ncc-cloud-strategy-framework/> Those of you who read our earlier draft won't find any surprises in the document. Apart from making it more concise, the only change is that the use of containers is now allowed under the strict interpretation of our 'Avoid vendor lock-in' requirement (this is noted in the table). The final part is to agree on the criticality of specific services with the community. We will give you an update on this at RIPE 83. Regards Felipe Victolla Silveira Chief Operations Officer RIPE NCC
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