At 12:26 27/08/2012 +0100, Nick Hilliard wrote:
On 26/08/2012 00:09, Rogier Spoor wrote:
On 8/26/12 1:02 AM, Nick Hilliard wrote:
On 25 Aug 2012, at 19:31, Hank Nussbacher <hank@efes.iucc.ac.il> wrote:
Based on mnt-by, the # of ERX address blocks managed by the top 11 NRENs in Europe:
mnt-by does not convey registration rights. Or did I miss a whopper of a change in policy recently?
For ERX ranges policies are not applicable.
MNT-BY is unfortunately the best indicator that's available.
I suspect (strongly) that the individual academic institutions would feel that the address space is registered to them, not to the nrens.
DDN.MIL NIC would tend to disagree with your statement (similar emails were sent back in the "old" days to most NRENs since we were the Internet pioneers):
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 91 14:00:26 PDT From: HOSTMASTER@NIC.DDN.MIL Subject: Re: Internet network number template Sender: SHARON@NIC.DDN.MIL To: HANK%VM.TAU.AC.IL@TAUNIVM.TAU.AC.IL cc: sharon@NIC.DDN.MIL, hostmaster@NIC.DDN.MIL Reply-To: HOSTMASTER@NIC.DDN.MIL In-Reply-To: Message from "Hank Nussbacher <HANK%VM.TAU.AC.IL@TAUNIVM.TAU.AC.IL>" of Wed, 24 Jul 91 15:44:58 PDT Message-ID: <12704514128.56.SHARON@NIC.DDN.MIL>
In view of your role as the network coordinator for the universities and governmental departments in Israel, we here at the Network Information Center feel it would be appropriate if you could serve as the IP number delegating authority for the country of Israel.
Basically this means that any applicaton we recieve from Israel will be forwarded to you for IP number assignment from your allotment of class C and B blocks.
The delegating authority receives the applications, assigns a number or numbers and then sends us the information so that we can update our database (this is where the form came in that I sent to you in our last conversation).
We have several others like yourself who have received large blocks of numbers and serve as delegating authorities for their respective countries. Some do this on and "official" basis and some on an "unofficial" basis. The difference between the two is that in the "unofficial" situations the delegators wish to use the numbers for specific areas of concern (eg only centers of research) and not for any company or organization that desires a network number and/or network connection.
At the present time we have "official" delegating authorities for the countries of Canada, Mexico, Italy, and the Netherlands. We have "unofficial" delegating authorities for the countries of France, Germany, and Sweden.
If you would like to contact any of the authorities listed above for more details, let me know and I will forward their names and addresses to you.
For the time being since you did mention that these numbers are to be used for university and for various Ministry offices, may we forward any requests from Israel that we receive back to you for processing?
I have taken the liberty of naming the blocks of numbers ISRAELB-BLOCK and ISRAELC-BLOCK (totally unimaginative I know but we had to use something :-)) If you could think of some other identifier that would best fit the network system please let me know and I'll change the name immediately.
ISRAELB-BLOCK 147.233 - 147.237 5 B's
ISRAELC-BLOCK 192.114.1 - 192.114.254 192.115.1 - 192.115.254 192.116.1 - 192.116.254 192.117.1 - 192.117.254 192.118.1 - 192.118.254 5 Blocks of C's
Thank you for your cooperation.
Regards Sharon An/Hostmaster