In message <1689008734.428292.1575985321858@mail.yahoo.com>, "ripedenis@yahoo.co.uk" <ripedenis@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
Historical queries to the RIPE Database only go back as far as the 'most recen t' creation. So you can see changes made to the currently existing INETNUM obj ect. If the object has been deleted and re-created it is not possible to query for the previous incarnation of the object. This was an arbitrary decision ma de when the historical query feature was introduced. The data is still availab le in the RIPE Database for all previous incarnations of an object. It has been suggested in the past that this service be extended to show all pr evious history (excluding personal data). If there is sufficient interest, may be someone would like to propose such a change and it can be looked into in mo re detail.
Please consider it proposed. Regards, rfg