On Fri, 29 Aug 2003 azucena.hernandezperez@telefonica.es wrote:
I support the view of Hans Petter regarding the additional identification of each organisation by a number making it a separate object in the database. I am in favor using the VAT number for organisations in EU countries and soon in the Eastern Europe Accessing countries and any other national registration number for those organisations established in non-EU countries.
Not all UK businesses are VAT registered. Also, businesses can be unincorporated, sole traders, etc. so they won't necessarily have "company numbers" either. Attempting to number them using any generic criteria won't work. If you want to do this, you'll have to complicate the database/criteria significantly. Sebastien. --- NetConnex Broadband Ltd. tel. +44 870 745 4830 fax. +44 870 745 4831 Court Farm Lodge, 1 Eastway, Epsom, Surrey, KT19 8SG. United Kingdom.