At 17:33 16/05/2012 +0200, Alex Le Heux wrote:
Dear Colleagues,
Since 2003, the RIPE NCC and the other RIRs have published daily files detailing all assigned and allocated IP resources. These are also known as the "delegated files"
In 2011, a RIPE Labs article was published describing an extension to these files. This article is available at:
Starting from Wednesday 23 May 2012, the extended delegated files will be published at the following URL:
I am looking at ftp://ftp.ripe.net/pub/stats/ripencc/delegated-ripencc-20120523 and find it hasn't been updated. -Hank
The extended delegated files will list all resources managed by the RIPE NCC, including those which make up part of the free pool. The resources will be listed like this:
We have overhauled the code that generates the regular delegated files. One area which has been improved is the accuracy of the country code attribute for all entries, especially for direct assignments such as PI and AS Numbers. For all resources the country code was lifted from the RIPE Database object describing the resource. This was done as a one-time import and stored in our internal records. This has resulted in a massive decrease in the occurrence of the catch-all country code "EU" in both the regular and extended delegated files.
However, it is still possible that there are inaccuracies with regards to the country code for some entries. Please contact lir-help@ripe.net in such cases.
Alex Le Heux Policy Implementation & Coordination RIPE NCC