At 08:37 AM 13-08-03 +0100, Carlos Friacas wrote:
I dont know if im right, but i figure, that the main idea for everybody to pay for the training is getting everybody trained -- as it is included. I only see one aspect/situation against it: a trained LIR person exchanges jobs, going into a company that will manage a new LIR. In this case should this LIR pay for the training of its already-trained human resource? Or it is paying for the training that person got some time ago?
when i go to an MS course or a Cisco course, I do not expect your company to partially fund my attendence. I fail to see how a newly trained LIR benefits me - anymore so than a newly trained CCIE in some place 1000km away might benefit me. -Hank
Hank Nussbacher
./Carlos "Upgrade the Internet! -- Now!" -------------- [http://www.ip6.fccn.pt] http://www.fccn.pt <cfriacas@fccn.pt>, CMF8-RIPE, CF596-ARIN, Wide Area Network Workgroup FCCN - Fundacao para a Computacao Cientifica Nacional fax:+351 218472167
"Internet is just routes (125953/461), naming (millions) and... people!"